Best Sellers Sponsor
Friends of Dynamic Learners Sponsor
"Dynamic Teaching: Prioritizing Well-Being to Boost Learning for ALL"
February 1, 2024 8:00am-3:15pm
Houston, TX In-Person or Virtual
Dr. Ruby Payne, Keynote Speaker
A full day of learning, engaging & participation
Dr. Ruby Payne, Keynote Speaker
Emotional Poverty in All Demographics
How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, & Prioritize Well-Being
Early Registration (through Jan 5, 2024)
$110 per person
$100 per person for group of 5+
General Registration (Jan. 6 - Jan.25, 2024)
$125 per person
$115 per person for group of 5+
The first 250 registrants will receive a FREE copy of her IPPY award-winning book "Emotional Poverty." Also, named one of the best educational resources of the year.
Morning Session 9:00 -11:20
Dr. Ruby Payne
Dr. DeShanna Reed
Afternoon Sessions 12:25 - 2:35
Five breakout sessions to choose from
by leading Texas educators.
Dr. DeShanna Reed
Dynamic Hands-on Strategies
"Write to Thrive"
Please keep an eye on this page for updates.
You will walk away with a dynamic teaching toolbox.
It takes a village! Leveraging community and family connections to build capacity for ALL learners to succeed in an ever-evolving world.
Natalia Gómez Ramback
Senior Houston Regional Advocacy Director
Raise Your Hand Texas
Stacey Evans
Founder & Director
Brighter Education for Dyslexia
Lori Smith
Elementary School Counselor
Navigating the tides of dyslexia and well-being in Spanish-speaking English Language Learners
Join this session to become a beacon of support, guiding Spanish-speaking ELLs through the turbulent tides towards a harbor of linguistic proficiency and emotional stability, ensuring that their journey through the ocean of education is not just navigable but also enriching and empowering.
Dr. Francisco Usero-González
Asst. Professor - SHSU
Powerful teaching strategies targeting reading/dyslexia challenges and strengths
for ALL learners
This session provides hands-on, dynamic, best practice strategies to use immediately for teaching reading to ALL Learners. Also, research-based resources to champion the "thinking" strengths of those diagnosed with dyslexia.
Karen Coffey
Sandra Duree
Empowering positive mindsets, improving attention, and achievement for ALL learners
with learning differences
You will come away with hands-on teaching methods for active learning based on brain and learning research for learners diagnosed with Autism and ADHD.
Dr. Wren Bump
Professor VAST Academy - HCC
Leading Texas educators will provide high-impact teaching strategies for "Prioritizing Well-Being and Boosting Learning for ALL"
that YOU can use immediately.
The first 250 registrants will receive a FREE copy of her IPPY award-winning book "Emotional Poverty". Also, named one of the best educational resources of the year.
Harris County Department of Education (HCDE)
6300 Irvington Boulevard
Houston, TX 77022
Conference Schedule at a Glance
8:00- 8:45 Check In; Continental Breakfast; Vendors
8:45-9:00 Welcome & Introductions
9:00-11:20 Morning Session
Dr. Ruby Payne, Keynote - 9:00-10:15
10:25-11:20 Dr. DeShanna Reed, Dynamic Hands-on Strategies
11:30-12:15 Box Lunch; Vendors
12:25-1:25 Breakout Session 1
1:35- 2:35 Breakout Session 2
2:45- 3:15 Closing & Vendor Drawing
Professional Development Certificates
Professional Development Certificates of completion will be awarded. At the end of the conference, you will receive an email with a survey. Complete the survey and you will receive your professional development certificate.